
Add a new Sermon


  1. Navigate to Content > Sermons.
  2. Click the Add New Sermon button.
  3. Enter a title, category, series, key passage date, and preacher then click Save Content.
  4. Enter in a brief summary, any keywords, and your content then click Add Content.
  5. Enter in your interactive notes and click Save. *
  6. Upload any related images, audio, video, and notes then click the Submit Selections, Done, or Upload button.
  7. Choose how you want to publish your sermon, or keep it as a draft until later.

Step by Step

To add a new sermon to your website, navigate over to Content > Sermons and then click on the Add New Sermon button located near the top of the page on the right hand side.

Step 1 - Details
NOTE: These items are often used to filter the sermons on your website
  1. Give your sermon a Title (This is the only required field).
  2. Assign as many Categories to your sermon as are appropriate from the dropdown.
  3. If your sermon belongs to a Series, be sure to select it from the dropdown, or click the Plus icon to add a new one.
  4. If you are not planning on publishing your sermon right away, you can change the Date that will appear next to the sermon on your website.
  5. Be sure to select the preacher that gave the sermon.
    1. If you need to add a new preacher, click the -- Create New Preacher -- option from the drop down menu.
    2. Fill out the preacher's First Name, and Last Name then click the Add New Preacher button
  6. When all of this information has been entered fully, click the Save Content button.
Step 2 - Content
NOTE: This content is displayed within the RSS feed and on the individual Sermon page.
  1. Write a brief Summary of what your sermon is about. (This can be displayed on different parts of your website depending on how your site was developed)
  2. Enter as many Keywords for your sermon as are appropriate. (Keywords are used to help improve search)
  3. The Content Editor can be used to place any type of information related to your sermon. Some churches place a transcript of each sermon here. Other churches opt to place the sermon notes for the sermon here. Please note that not all templates utilize this field. (For a full explanation of all the Content Editor options check out this article)
  4. When all of the content has been entered, click the Save Content button.
Step 3 - Interactive Note *
  1. Using the note editor you can copy/paste or write out your weekly fill in the blank notes.
  2. When you have a word or phrase that you want the visitor to fill in, you will click the Insert/Edit Answer button and type the answer into the modal that appears.
  3. If you want to allow the visitor to add some of their own notes, you can click the Insert Free Form Note. You can edit the placeholder text by selecting it in the notes editor and typing a new phrase.
  4. When you rnotes are finished, click the Save button.
Step 4 - Media
  1. If you already have media items uploaded to your website, you can select them at the top of the page.
  2. If you have not already uploaded your media from the Media Module, you can browse for your file and upload it using the form provided.
  3. When all of your media content has been selected, click the Done button.
Step 5 - Publish
  1. You can choose to publish by clicking the Publish button.
  2. You can choose to publish the sermon as a featured sermon by clicking the Publish as Featured button.
  3. You can choose to keep the sermon as a draft by clicking the Keep as Draft button.

* To use the Interactive Note functionality your sermon layout must implement this feature. If your layout does not include the Interactive Note tags, the option will not appear in the CMS to add them. 

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