
Adding Blogs

"Blogs" or "web logs" are a journal-style content format designed to serve regularly published articles called "posts" or "blog posts". Blogs are separate from Pages in that they live at their own URL, while all posts contained by the blog live under that location (i.e. Blogs can be set up to use their own template as well, to make them appear unique from a standard Page.

Here's how to start a new blog:

Creating a blog

  1. Navigate to Content > Blogs > Blogs.
  2. Click "Add a New Blog".
  3. Fill out the necessary fields.
  4. Click Create.
    The blog is now set up at the top-level URL formed with the blog's name, and can now receive posts.

Adding a blog to the navigation

  1. Navigate to Content > Pages > Navigation.
  2. Add a new navigation item by clicking the plus (+) New Item icon.
  3. Name the item in the Label field
  4. Click in the content field and choose the appropriate Blog from the dropdown under the blog section.
  5. Choose the parent of the blog or choose to leave it as a top level navigation item.
  6. We recommend you leave "open in a new window' UN-checked unless you blog is linking to an entirely different site.
  7. Click Add to add the Blog to the navigation menu.
  8. If the blog is not exactly where you want it in your navigation menu, just drag and drop it into position.
    The blog is now available in the navigation. Keep in mind that this structure of the navigation is not necessarily reflected within the blog on the site. All blogs live separately at their own top-level URL, with posts living under that branch.

Note: If you have Blog Commenting turned on, comment notifications will be sent to the default Account E-mail Address unless otherwise specified in the settings of each specific Blog. Comments are managed under Connect > Comments.

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