
Adding Discussion Boards

Adding a Discussion Board

Discussion Boards can be created for members of your website to post messages about various topics.

  1. To create go to Connect --> Discussion
  2. Select Add a New Discussion
  3. Complete the necessary fields: name, description and records per page*.
  4. More Options allows you to permit certain groups to view discussions.

        * Records per page is the number of posts on the page visible to the viewer

Within a particular Discussion Board Topic, such as Community, a user can create additional categories, such as "Events", "Classifieds", etc.

  1. Go to Connect --> Discussions
  2. Select the discussion needing a new category by clicking on the hyperlink
  3. Under "Add a New Category" complete the necessary fields
  4. A user can add as many categories as they desire.
  5. The position of the category on the page can be changed using the arrows to the left of the category name on the lower part of the screen.

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