Monk Checkout

Configuring & Managing Product Subscriptions

Configuring a Product Subscription

  1. Edit the product or SKU that can be subscribed to.
  2. Select a previously created group under "Add purchasers to group" if the subscriber needs to be added to a group upon purchase.
  3. Check "Subscribers may subscribe to this product" under "Subscription"
  4. Specify a one-time charge and/or recurring charge. The one-time charge is optional, recurring changes are mandatory if you want to make the product available by subscription. The system supports recurring charges on a monthly, quarterly & yearly basis. One-time charges are billed immediately and recurring charges will begin on the first day of the following month.
  5. Save the product / SKU.

Purchasing a subscription

Users are shown the one-time charge (if present), the amount of the recurring charge, and the frequency of the charge on the product detail page.

Purchasing a subscription is the same as purchasing a regular product. The order confirmation sent to the purchaser will clearly indicate that they have purchased a subscription.

Viewing & deleting product subscriptions

Successful subscribers will appear in the CMS under Ecommerce > Sales > Subscriptions. A subscription confirmation will also be sent to the Ecommerce customer service email address.

To terminate a subscription, check off the subscribers in question and use the "Edit Selected Subscriptions" button to delete the selected records. NOTE: if you have elected to have users added to a group in the CMS upon purchase, they will be removed from this group when their subscription is terminated.

Verifying recurring transactions

Recurring transactions for subscriptions are run on the first of the month, quarter, or year, depending on the type of subscription.

To verify that a recurring transaction was successful, go to Ecommerce > Transactions. The recurring transaction in question and its details will be listed there, along with the amount charged. Under the column labeled "Result," you will see whether the transaction was successful or failed.

Note: tax is not included in recurring transactions.


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