e360 ChMS - Calendar


Embed your e360 ChMS Calendar

Using e360 ChMS, you can embed one or more calendars into your public website. Not only is this a great way to publicize your events, but it also reduces or eliminates the need to manage multiple calendars in your church. Additionally, using this method allows you to put calendar events in a public setting, without requiring the viewer to have a username/password.

Only calendar views can be embedded into a website. There are two steps:

  1. Get the HTML code to embed your chosen calendar view (instructions below).
  2. Paste this code into your website (works with any website. If your site is provided by Ekklesia360, feel free to contact our support team for help. Otherwise, your website administrator can probably do this step for you).

How To Get The HTML Embed Code

  1. Within e360 ChMS, be sure you are viewing the calendar (click Calendar in the far upper right corner of the screen).
  2. In the lower left corner, click on Views and select the one you want to place on your website.
  3. Click the actions/gears button next to the view, which will launch the Edit View window. In this window, you'll see a field for "Website Embed Code". You will want to copy EVERYTHING inside this field, then paste it into your Website.

Calendar Views

Creating A New Calendar View

  1. Navigate to your calendar (top right of your e360 ChMS. NOTE: if you do not see the Calendar link at the top of your screen, have an admin check your Calendar Permissions).
  2. Along the bottom of the screen, use the Filters to show/hide events based on the criteria you need. For example, you can show only the events pertaining to a certain ministry, events only in certain room(s), only the events that use vehicles, etc.  You may use any combination of Filters that you'd like.
  3. Once the Filters are in place, Click on Views. The Views list will appear.
  4. Click the "Add a View" button. Give your View a name and click Add. From now on, this View will be available to you (and other authorized users) in the Views menu.

Displaying A Calendar View On Your Website

Views can be seen not only when logged into e360 ChMS, but also can be embedded on external sites such as your church website, a blog, etc. To do this, you'll need to get the short HTML code from e360 ChMS, then send it to your website administrator.

  1. From the calendar, click on the Views button.
  2. Next to each View, you'll see a gears/actions button. Click the actions button next to the View you want. This will open the Edit View dialog window.
  3. Look for the area for "Website Embed Code". Copy everything inside this box. This is the HTML code that you will need to embed into your external website.
  4. Once the view is embedded on a page of another website, you'll see the filtered calendar view appear there. Events will be updated in real time, as changes are made in e360 ChMS.

Changing Or Deleting A View

Once a View has been created, it is not possible to edit its settings. To accomplish changes, just Delete the View and then re-create it. To delete a View:

  1. At the bottom of the calendar screen, click the Views button.
  2. Next to each View, you'll see a gears/actions button. Click the actions button next to the View you want to delete.
  3. Click the red "Delete" button.

Setting up Approvals for Events via Roles

You can create roles in the Calendar that will allow users to Propose events, and also roles that will allow users to Approve those events.

  1. Click on the Calendar link at the top of the page.
  2. Click on Settings at the top of the page.
  3. On the left hand side of the screen click on Permissions.
  4. Create a role(s) for certain calendar users, allowing them to “propose” events but not to “create” events. For users who are assigned roles with this specific combination of permissions, they can select the “Add Event” option in the e360 ChMS Calendar. On this screen, the user specifies the details of the proposed event. However, when they click save, the event is not added to the calendar. It is instead placed in a pending queue / list of events pending approval.
  5. Now, assign appropriate roles for calendar “approvers” - users with permission to approve proposed events. Go to Settings > Permissions. Create a role(s) for your staff and leaders who will approve proposed events by selecting the “Approve Events” permission as part of the role.

Remember, a role is simply a combination of permissions that you select / specify. Assigning a role to a user in e360 ChMS accomplishes two things: First, it allows that user to access thee360 ChMS Calendar when they log in toe360 ChMS. Next, it grants them the permissions that are selected / included in the role that is assigned to them.

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