
Export all of your Articles

Moving to a different platform and need to export your articles?

Although we are sad to see you go, just click the Securely export this report button and a CSV file will be generated with all of the information about your articles.

The following columns are generated with the CSV file
  1. Article ID - A unique identifier used by Ekklesia 360
  2. Title - The title of the article
  3. Categories - Any categories you associated with the article
  4. Authors - Any authors you associated with the article
  5. Date - The date the article was published
  6. Series - Any series that you associated with the article
  7. Tags - Any keywords that you associated with the article
  8. Summary - The summary that you associated with the article
  9. Content - The html markup of the content of the article
  10. Notes - The URL to the document file that was uploaded for the article
  11. Audio - The URL of the audio file that was uploaded for the article
  12. Image - The URL of the image file that was uploaded for the article
  13. Video - The URL of the video file that was uploaded for the article


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