
Is my site down?

Here's some quick steps you can take if you believe your site may be down.

Domain not loading on the web

If your domain name (that is, your homepage) is not loading or times out after a few seconds, there may be a DNS issue at your domain registrar. First, check the status of your registrar (NameCheap, GoDaddy, Tucows, Network Solutions, etc).

If your domain loads but shows a page of advertisements or other content that isn't yours, your domain may have expired. In this case, contact your registrar for renewal. Your domain registrar can often be found by visiting the WHOIS database.

Domain not loading internally

Is your website accessible on other networks but not in your own home or office? You may be able to test for this by disabling Wifi connectivity on your mobile device, and then checking your website using your cellular network. If your website is up, then your internal office network may need to be updated with the latest DNS information for your domain (sometimes by "flushing the DNS cache"). 

Content not loading

If your domain name loads as usual, but some of your site's content is missing or looks broken, contact Support as there may be an issue with your site's connection to Ekklesia 360.

Internal Server Error

If you see an error called "Internal Server Error (500)", typically this is a problem with htaccess.

"Your website is ready"

If you see a system-generated welcome on your homepage saying "Your website is now ready", contact Support as there may be a site configuration issue at play. Typically if this screen is seen, your website is being configured by our team and should come up within a few minutes.

Is my site down for everyone, or just me?

Online tools such as and can also help you check on your site's status.


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