
Restricting user permissions to specific pages or other content

Groups are used to manage customizeable levels of user access inside the CMS. To restrict a user to only be able to edit specific pages or other specific content:

  1. The Page (or Sermon, Article, etc) must be published to a specific Group.
  2. The user's Permissions must include Read/Write access for items in this Group.


Here's a detailed example for allowing a user access to a limited set of Pages.

  1. Create a new Group under People > Groups > [Add a Group]. For this example, we'll call it "My Group". This Group will be Public and not Private. Save your Group.
  2. Find the user's account under People > Members and click on the pencil icon to edit the user. Click on the Permissions tab on the right.
  3. Verify that the user is not a site administrator. Site Administrators have full access to the system and permissions rules do not apply to them.
  4. Under Rules, create a New Rule for the Pages module. Use "My Group", and give "Write" access.
  5. Go to the Pages module and edit a page that your user will need to have access to.
  6. On the Publish screen, click "More Options" and make sure "My Group" is selected in addition to "Site Group". Publish (or re-publish) the Page.
  7. When the user logs in, they will only have access to Pages that are published in "My Group".

This process can repeated for other Groups and content modules as well. Instead of creating the user rule with Pages, you can do so for Events, Articles or Blogs. Make sure that the particular Article or Blog has been Published to that Group in addition to Site Group.


  • Groups are not required when managing permissions. You may allow access to the entire Events module, for example, regardless of Group status, by choosing not to specify a Group in your new Rule.
  • It is recommended to provide Media module access unless you specifically do not want to provide the user the ability to upload and use new images, documents, audio or video files with their content.

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