Reviewing Sales
When people purchase a product or register for an event, all dollar amounts will appear under Sales.
Sales can be sorted by month, year and by status of sale by selecting "Filters" and choosing the appropriate drop down menu item.
The pencil icon will give you details on the order, customer, and all sales from that customer.
To securely export:
- Go to the desktop on your computer, right click.
- Go to "New" then select "Text Document".
- Go back to Ekkelsia and select "securely export list".
- Copy ALL content and paste the content into the text document.
- Go to Save As; under "File Name" name the file and then type ".csv" after the file name. Don't worry about the drop-down on file type.
- So the end result file name should then be "filename.csv".
- Close the file.
- Open the file and it automatically opens in Excel.