

Sections are much like Pages. They are blocks of content that do not stand alone and must be included in a Page. If a page template supports sections, a dropdown box will appear at the bottom of the edit page, prompting you to enter the section to use with that page.

Additionally, a section can be included in the content area of any page by placing the section "slug" between two sets of curly braces. The slug is the name of the section with punctuation removed and spaces replaced by dashes (-). For example if you section is named "Directions & Location", it will be written as directions--location inside two sets of curly braces.

Manage Sections

Navigating the Sections List Page

  • Where Used: Clicking these links will take you to the edit page for that page/section.

Add a New Section

  • Name: The name of the section. Must be unique among other sections.
  • Description: A brief description of the section. Helpful to quickly find the correct section on the section list page.
  • Category: Depending on your implementation, a category may be required.
  • Content: The Content of the section. NOTE: See WYSIWYG Editor for detailed instruction on using the WYSIWYG.

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