
Update Sermon Settings

A Quick Note

In general, you will not need to make any changes to the settings of your sermons.
If you choose to make changes to your sermon settings make a note what the current selections in case you need to refer back to them later.


  1. Navigate to Content > Sermons > Settings.
  2. Update the display monklet, template, and content fields, then click Done

Step by Step

To make changes to your sermons settings, navigate over to Content > Sermons > Settings.

  1. Some older templates use monklets to display the sermon content. If this is how your site displays sermons you can change the monklet used to display your sermon from the display monklet dropdown.
  2. If your sermons are controlled by a dedicated sermons template, you can select it from the template dropdown.
  3. The content editor can be used to add information that you want to display on each and every sermon across your site. Please note that not all templates utilize the content area.
  4. Click the Save button when you are finished making changes.

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