
What's the difference between Blogs and Articles?


In short, Blogs is the module of choice for bloggers and other authors of regularly updated content, while Articles can address a wider range of content management needs and typically require customization to meet those needs.

A Blog can be easily set up as a list of select Blog Posts, while Article lists typically display all Articles in the CMS (unless otherwise filtered by a developer in the site templates). This being the case, the Articles module is a bit more open-ended.

Here's an example of a use for Blog Posts:

Here's an example of a use for Articles:

The two modules also have these differences:


  • More options for attaching media items (video, audio, image, document)
  • The concept of an article Series (a container of Articles, with the option of providing an image and description for the Series itself)
  • Multiple authors can be specified for one Article
  • RSS feeds for Articles can be created in the Feeds module


  • A special URL for each Blog (
  • Each Blog can have its own link in the navigation
  • Commenting, with comment notification emails for the author
  • RSS feeds automatically created for each Blog

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