
Private content

There are two main ways to create private content: by password, or by Group.

Privacy with Passwords

A Page in the Pages module can be protected with a password.

  1. Navigate to Content > Pages.
  2. Select or add a new a Page.
  3. Click Publish in the right sidebar.
  4. Enter a password in the Password field.
  5. Click Publish.

When attempting to view the page on your website, visitors will be prompted for the password.

Using a password with multiple pages

You can protect multiple pages with the same password. For access to all of these pages, your visitors only need to enter the password once. For this reason, if some visitors should have access to certain private pages but not others, use different passwords.

Each browsing session can utilize one password at a time. If you protect multiple pages with various passwords, the user must always enter the appropriate password before viewing each page.

Restricting access

To restrict access to a password-protected page, you may either change the password, or choose to add privacy with Groups.

Note: Password protected pages are not compatible with Cloudflare, unless you disable ipv6 within your Cloudflare account.

Note: Any media assets (images, PDFs, videos) that are placed onto a password-protected Page do not also become password-protected. If you wish to keep certain media items private, it is recommended to remove them from public pages on your site.

Privacy with Groups

If your site already uses Groups to manage Members, you can use a private Group to limit access to the content from any module. In this scenario, a user can only access the content if they have:

  1. A user account in the Members module, and...
  2. This account exists in the private Group

By belonging to the private Group, a user is able to log into your website (not into Ekklesia 360, that is) and view the content.

Setting up a private Group

  1. Navigate to People > Groups.
  2. Select or add a new a Group.
  3. Complete the needed information, and add yourself to the Group if you like.
  4. Set the Privacy option to Private.

Adding Members to the private Group

To add members individually:

  1. Navigate to People > Members.
  2. Select a few members to add to the Group with the checkboxes on the left.
  3. Click Edit Selected Members and choose Add to Group.
  4. Assign the member(s) to the applicable Groups.

To add many members:

  1. Navigate to People > Members > Bulk.
  2. Add all the chosen members' email addresses to the field (one per line).
  3. Use the Groups option to add all members to the given Group.

Publishing content to the private Group

When publishing new content, you have the option on the Publish screen to assign a Group for the content.

The Site Group is the default Group to which all public content belongs. To make your content private:

  1. Delete the Site Group from the list of Groups. 
  2. Add your private Group.

When published, your content is now accessible only by the Group's members when they are logged in to the website. If a non-member were to navigate to the URL of the private content, they will be prompted to log in.

Linking to Private Content

By default, Ekklesia 360 excludes private Pages from the Navigation. To add it anyway, add the Page's specific URL in the Navigation item instead of selecting it from the menu.

**NOTEIt is recommended to not copy the whole URL of the page but instead enter the path to that specific page without the domain name listed, something like /resources/private-content or /internal-documents, so that if you ever change your domain name, this link will not break.

Note: If you are having issues with entering password protected pages it could be due to the disabling of third-party cookies in your browser. Find out how to enable third-party cookies here.


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