The Events Module enables users to easily add events to display on their website. Events can also display on an Events Page with the designated Events Template applied.
Notable Features
- Events can be enabled for online registration.
- Event coordinators can be set up to receive notifications of new registrants.
- The number of participants in an event can be limited.
- Participants will receive an email notification of their registration.
- Events created with an address location will automatically generate an associated google map link to get directions.
- The system exports event details in the *.ics file format.
- In conjunction with the ecommerce module (Admin > Site > Ecommerce), payment capabilities can be added to event rsvp.
- Multiple price points can be associated with event + limits on the number of registrants for each of those price points
- Events can be filtered by categories
- Event can be listed on your site in a calendar view or list view, and output as Featured
Module Breakdown
This is where you will Edit a specific Event, or add a new Event
The Calendar view allows you to easily add and delete events as well as make exceptions to recurring events.
Clicking the pencil icon on a recurring event provides the following options:
- Edit the master event: edits the original event that started the recurrence.
- Edit just this occurence: edits this specific occurence of your recurring event.
- Delete just this occurrence: allows you to delete this specific occurence of your recurring event.
- Delete entire event: deletes all occurences of this event
Categories can be applied to Events for filtering. Categories are also a great way to allow Upcoming Event sidebars to pull Events that apply to the audience on a specific Page. Reach out to Support if you have questions about how you can do that.
This is where you can organize all of your Coordinators. Depending on your Template, a coordinator may be linked to their email address, or other pertinent information.
The Locations Module is where you can manage all the locations available for Events. You can Edit a location address, add new locations, and delete old locations no longer in use.
Small Groups
Small Groups
The Small Groups Module works in conjunction with the Small Group Template. To purchase the Small Group Finder Layout, get in touch with Support or your Monk Development project manager.
Categories work similarly to Events Categories. The biggest benefit of utilizing Categories for Small Groups is for search functionality, allowing someone searching for a small group to find one that fits their criteria.